What is the definition of a metaphor?

A. figurative language that compares two unlike things directly
B. figurative language that exaggerates or overstates for effect
C. figurative language that compares two unlike things by using “like” or “as”
D. figurative language that lends human qualities to animals, objects, or ideas

The difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a simile
A. uses “like” or “as.”
B. compares two things.
C. exaggerates things for effect.
D. uses phrases specific to a region.

Read the sentence.

The exhausted student decided to call it a night, hit the hay, and study more in the morning.
Which word in the sentence is most important to understanding the meaning of the idiom “hit the hay”?
A. exhausted
B. student
C. decided
D. study

Read the passage.

It had rained for the entire week before we went river rafting. The rain made the river swell with extra water. In fact, the river was a speeding train by the time we got there. Thus, we had quite the adventure.
The context clue “rained for the entire week” most helps the reader understand the meaning of which figurative language?
A. we went river rafting
B. river was a speeding train
C. by the time we go there
D. we had quite the adventure

Read the sentence.

As they watched the performance unfold, they were glued to their seats.
Which explanation best expresses the figurative meaning of the metaphor “glued to their seats”?
A. They were stuck to the seats.
B. They were uncomfortable in their seats.
C. They were so interested that they did not move.
D. They were so bored that they wanted to leave.

Read the sentence.

As they watched the performance unfold, they were glued to their seats.
Which explanation best expresses the figurative meaning of the metaphor “glued to their seats”?
A. They were stuck to the seats.
B. They were uncomfortable in their seats.
C. They were so interested that they did not move.
D. They were so bored that they wanted to leave.

i need help with this quiz

plz help:(

I'd be happy to help you with this quiz! Here are the answers to the questions:

1. The definition of a metaphor is (A) figurative language that compares two unlike things directly.

2. The difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a simile uses (A) "like" or "as."

3. In the sentence "The exhausted student decided to call it a night, hit the hay, and study more in the morning," the word that is most important to understanding the meaning of the idiom "hit the hay" is (D) study. The phrase "hit the hay" is an idiom that means to go to bed or to sleep.

4. In the passage, the context clue "rained for the entire week" most helps the reader understand the meaning of the figurative language (B) "river was a speeding train." The rain caused the river to swell with extra water and move rapidly, like a speeding train.

5. The figurative meaning of the metaphor "glued to their seats" in the sentence "As they watched the performance unfold, they were glued to their seats" is (C) They were so interested that they did not move. It implies that they were captivated by the performance and could not look away.

I hope this helps you with your quiz! Let me know if you have any more questions.

8th grade 3.7.2 - Quiz: Figures of Speech Quiz

1. a
2. a
3. a
4. d
5. d
6. c
just took the test 100%

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