Create an image illustrating an ecosystem with rabbits, foxes, wolves, and deer in a harmonious coexistence. Show a lush forest with diverse fauna and flora supporting these inhabitants. Depict the cohabitation and interaction among the four indicated species, highlighting the importance of each species to the balanced ecosystem. The illustration should subtly hint at the intricate nature of ecological health and biodiversity, featuring differing types and amounts of organisms but without text or explicit indications of such concepts.

Question 1

A) Imagine that an ecosystem contains rabbits, foxes, wolves, and deer. Select the animal whose absence would have the greatest negative effect on the ecosystem.(1 point)




Question 2
A) In an ecosystem with low biodiversity, the removal of a species will (1 point)

disturb the ecosystem because another species will take its place.*******

disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it.

not affect the ecosystem because another species will take its place.

not affect the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it.
Question 3
A) Biodiversity is a measure of variation among (1 point)

genes and ecosystems.

populations and ecosystems.

genes, species, and ecosystems.******

genes, individuals, and ecosystems.
Question 4
A) Which statement best describes ecological health?(1 point)

Ecological health concerns the relationship between ecosystems and ecosystem services.

Ecological health concerns the relationship between ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health.

Ecosystem biodiversity determines ecological health via the types of different organisms in the area.********

Ecosystem biodiversity determines ecological health via the amounts of different organisms in the area.

Biodiversity and Ecological Health Quick Check

1. wolf
2. disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it.
3. genes, species, and ecosystems.
4.Ecological health concerns the relationship between ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health.

1. Wolf

2. It will disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace

3. Is counting the number and variation of different species of plants, animals, and other organisms that interact within an ecosystem.

4. Ecological health concerns the relationship between ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health.

number 3 is now C.counting the number and variation of different species of plants, animals, and other organisms that interact within an ecosystem.

1. A or Wolf

2. A or disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it.
3. C or counting the number and variation of different species of plants, animals, and other organisms that interact within an ecosystem.
4. B or Ecological health concerns the relationship among ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health.
These answers are for Biodiversity and Ecological Health Quick Check
I got a 100% from these answers

here are the answers is 100% correct I just took the quick check :)

Everyone is wrong!! i got 0/4 because of you all.

the correct answers :
1 ) wolf
2 ) disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it.
3 ) counting the number and variation of different species of plants, animals, and other organisms that interact within an ecosystem.
4 ) Ecological health concerns the relationship among ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health.

There right 4/4!✨✨

Biodiversity and Ecological Health Quick Check

D - wolf
A - disturb the ecosystem because another species WILL NOT be able to replace it
B - counting the number and variation of different species plants, animals, and other organisms. . . .
A - Ecological health concerns the relationship AMONG ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health
100% correct :)

@Sublime Lord Genghis Khan Its not his real name its a guy of an anime called Attack on Titan.

eren jaeger is right