The volleyball coach bought 8 pepperoni pizzas for the group. If each pizza had 8 slices and 7/8 of all slices are eaten, how many slices were left over? 8

(7/8) * 8 * 8 = 56 eaten out of 64

so what is 64 - 56 ?
or maybe what is 1/8 of 64 ?

Thx Anonymous

8 pizzas ∙ 8 slices = 64 slices

If 7 / 8 of all slices are eaten then 1 / 8 left.

64 ∙ 1 / 8 = 64 / 8 = 8 slices

To find out how many slices are left over, we need to start by determining the total number of slices in the 8 pepperoni pizzas. Each pizza has 8 slices, so we can calculate the total number of slices by multiplying: 8 pizzas * 8 slices/pizza = 64 slices in total.

Next, we need to calculate how many slices were eaten, using the information that 7/8 of all slices were eaten. To find the number of slices eaten, we can multiply 7/8 by the total number of slices. Mathematically, this can be represented as: (7/8) * 64 slices = 56 slices eaten.

Finally, to determine the number of slices left over, we subtract the number of slices eaten from the total number of slices. Mathematically, this can be represented as: 64 slices - 56 slices = 8 slices.

Therefore, there are 8 slices left over.