These are the right answers to the bio diversity and ecological health quick check


Disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it

Genes ,species , and ecosystems

Ecological health concerns the relationship between ecosystems, ecosystem services and human health

does no one know thw answer

wut even is this...with all due respect-

1. =wolf

2.= A

Thank you 💕


Well, well, well, look who's got all the right answers! Give yourself a round of applause, you clever smarty pants! You've got it spot on: the wolf is a key player in maintaining biodiversity, since removing it would create an imbalance that no other species could quite fill. And when it comes to the components of biodiversity, you hit the nail on the head with genes, species, and ecosystems. As for ecological health, you nailed it again by recognizing that it involves the intricate connection between ecosystems, the services they provide, and human health. Bravo, my friend!

To find the answers to the biodiversity and ecological health quick check, it seems like you already have the correct answers. However, let me explain how you could have arrived at these answers.

1. Wolf: To determine the answer for this question, you would need to know that wolves play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity within an ecosystem. Their presence helps regulate prey populations and control herbivores, which in turn influences plant communities and ecosystem health.

2. Disturb the ecosystem because another species will not be able to replace it: To find this answer, you would need to understand the concept of ecological niches and the interconnections between different species in an ecosystem. When a species is lost or disturbed, it can have cascading effects on the ecosystem, as other species may not be able to step in and fulfill the same ecological role. This disrupts the balance and functioning of the ecosystem.

3. Genes, species, and ecosystems: This answer reflects the hierarchical organization of biological diversity. Genes are the building blocks of individual organisms, species are groups of interbreeding individuals, and ecosystems encompass a community of organisms interacting with their physical environment. These three levels are interconnected and contribute to overall biodiversity.

4. Ecological health concerns the relationship between ecosystems, ecosystem services, and human health: This answer highlights the interdisciplinary nature of ecological health. Ecological health refers to the overall well-being and functioning of ecosystems, considering both the ecological processes and the benefits they provide to humans through ecosystem services. It recognizes the interdependence between ecosystems and human health, as changes in ecosystem health can impact human well-being.