Yoshi makes a large sandwich. He cuts the sandwich into 8 equal parts. He wants to put 5/8 of the sandwich on a plate. How many pieces of the sandwich does he need?

8 * 5/8 = ?

I believe your answer is 5. If there are any answer choices, that will really help me out. I'm a visual learner, so I drew a circle, marked it 8 different times, and just shade in 5 parts of it.

To find how many pieces of the sandwich Yoshi needs to put on a plate, we will multiply the number of parts of the sandwich by the fraction he wants to put on the plate.

First, find 5/8 of the sandwich by multiplying 8 (the number of parts) by 5 (the numerator of the fraction): 8 * 5 = 40.

Therefore, Yoshi needs to put 40 pieces of the sandwich on the plate.

To find out how many pieces of the sandwich Yoshi needs to put on the plate, you can use the fraction 5/8.

First, let's determine how many pieces are in one whole sandwich. Yoshi cuts the sandwich into 8 equal parts, so that means 1 whole sandwich consists of 8 parts.

Next, we need to find how many pieces make up 5/8 of the sandwich. To do this, we can multiply the number of parts in a whole sandwich by the fraction 5/8.

8 parts (in a whole sandwich) * 5/8 = (8 * 5) / 8 = 40 / 8 = 5 pieces

So, Yoshi needs 5 pieces of the sandwich to put on the plate.