Astro traveled from Fairfield to Hartford last week. Astro completed 1/3 of the journey in the morning and 1/5 of the remaining distance in the afternoon. Astro still had 16 miles to travel. What is the distance from Fairfield to Hartford?

He travels 1/3 the distance in the A.M.

That leaves 2/3.
He travels 1/5 of the 2/3 = 1/5 x 2/3 = 2/15 in the P.M. So now he has traveled
1/3 + 2/15 = 5/15 + 2/15 = 7/15. What's left?
15/15 - 7/15 = 8/15 of the distance left. That's 16 miles so
8/15 *X = 16
X = (16*15)/8 = ? miles.