An artistic representation of the concept of 'pacing in a story'. Picture a book in the center, with pages symbolically flowing as if being blown by the wind, embodying the 'fast pace'. Next to the fast-paced pages, depict a slowly dripping hourglass, showing a 'slow pace'. The theme of 'time' should also be subtly incorporated, perhaps by illustrating the day-night cycle in the background. Remember, the image should be appealing, colorful, and contain no text.

What is the pacing of a story?(1 point)

how fast a story moves

the setting of a story

how long a story is

the major themes in a story

1: How fast a story moves.

2: Short, long.
3: Write detailed descriptions.
4: Leah jumped, "A Kitten!" she exclaimed.
These are 100% I got 75% so I went back and looked at the right answers (the ones listed above) u can trust me these are right.

Oh and quick tip make sure you don't get 100% on all your tests because you will (YOU WILL) be screwed if you get 100% on all quizzes and quick checks because no student has done that so the will know your checking your answers on here. Stay Quick, Stay Stealthy, Be Safe. ILY!

Baby yoda is right.

1: How fast a story moves.

2: Short, long.
3: Write detailed descriptions.
4: Leah jumped, "A Kitten!" she exclaimed
100% for Connexus
Credit goes to baby yoda

how fast a story moves :)

Nene is wrong and baby yoda is correct!! tysm baby yoda! you’re the best!:)

The answer for #5 is

"The writing uses description to tell the story"

thx for the answers!

100% thx

Following Look* Bye

tysm baby yoda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!