Emily is adjusting the two removable shelves in her cupboard. The shelves are to be equally spaced in the cupboard. How much space is there between shelves?

The height of the cupboard is 29 1/2 inches and the thickness of the shelves is an inch.

2 shelves, 3 spaces, so

(29 1/2 - 2*1) / 3 = 9 1/6 inches

To determine the amount of space between each shelf, we need to subtract the combined thickness of the two shelves from the overall height of the cupboard.

Let's break this down step by step:

1. Start with the height of the cupboard: 29 1/2 inches.
2. Next, determine the thickness of one shelf: 1 inch.
3. Since there are two shelves, multiply the thickness by 2: 1 inch x 2 = 2 inches.
4. Now, subtract the combined shelf thickness from the height of the cupboard: 29 1/2 inches - 2 inches = 27 1/2 inches.

Therefore, there would be 27 1/2 inches of space between each shelf in Emily's cupboard.

thank you for the help