1. About 660 B.C., Napatan kings were forced back into Nubia and _____.

founded a royal court in the city of Memphis
never again controlled Egyptian land ***
moved their capital south to Thebes
controlled all of Egypt for another 500 years

2. The _____ culture gained power and wealth by controlling trade between Central Africa and Egypt.


3. _____ was used in the city of Meroë to make weapons and tools.

Iron ore

4. Which Nubian kingdom admired Egyptian culture and built pyramids to bury their kings?


5. Nubia, which was located south of Egypt, was known to Egyptians as the _____.

“land of the archer”
“land of the bow”
“land of gold and iron ore”***
“trading center of Central Africa”

Number 1 is Never Again Controlled Egyptian Lands

Number 2 I dont know
Number 3 is Iron Ore
Number 4 I dont know
Number 5 is Trading Center of Central America

Number 3 is Iron ore ill tell you the rest when I'm finish

To answer these questions, you can follow these steps:

1. For the first question, about the Napatan kings being forced back into Nubia, the correct answer is "never again controlled Egyptian land." This information can be found by studying the history of Nubia and its relationship with Egypt during the time period around 660 B.C.

2. Regarding the culture that gained power and wealth by controlling trade between Central Africa and Egypt, the correct answer is "Napata." To arrive at this answer, you would need to have knowledge about the different cultures and civilizations that existed during that time and their involvement in trade.

3. To determine the material used in Meroë to make weapons and tools, the correct answer is "Copper." This information can be discovered by researching the resources available in Meroë and its metalworking capabilities.

4. The Nubian kingdom that admired Egyptian culture and built pyramids to bury their kings is "Meroë." This fact can be found by studying the history and architecture of the different Nubian kingdoms.

5. Finally, Nubia was known to the Egyptians as the "land of gold and iron ore." This piece of knowledge can be obtained by examining the historical interactions and trade between Egypt and Nubia.

Remember, these answers are based on historical information, so further research into the specific time periods and cultures will provide you with more detailed information.