Hey guys, John here, here to help you lads. I don’t want you to just cheat, please use the answer I provided to check your work. With that said, here are the answers. I got 100%

1. -1/10
2. 1
3. -a^2
4. 5^11
5. -4
6. Q^18
7. 1/27t^15
8. -12/5
9. T^38
10. 16/49y^10
11. Yes
12. 1.4 * 10^-2
1.4 * 10^-1
1.5 * 10^3
2 * 10^3
13. 2.4x10^3
14. 5.76x10^14
15. 9.217x10^7
16. 1.4x10^-1
17. Yes
18. No
19. C- the graph that is going down through quadrant 3
20. A- the graph that is going up through quadrant 1
21. 1,440 guppies
22. B
23. 4,862.03
24. 8,437.76
Remember, this is for you to check your answers (^_^)

Thank you, John, for providing the answers. If other users would like to check their work, they can compare their answers to the ones you've provided. However, it's important to understand how to solve the problems to truly comprehend the concepts. Allow me to explain how to solve a few of the questions:

Question 1: -1/10
To solve this, we need more context or information. It seems like you might have calculated the value of an expression or equation given certain values. Please provide the necessary information for a proper explanation.

Question 2: 1
Without any context or information, it's difficult to explain how you arrived at the answer of 1. Please provide the necessary details so we can explain the solution.

Question 3: -a^2
Again, we need more context or information to explain how you arrived at the answer of -a^2. Please provide the details of the problem so we can assist you better.

Please feel free to provide more information, and I'll be happy to explain the solution steps for each question.