The circle graph represents a family's monthly budget. If the total monthly budget is 6,500, how much more does the family have on housing than food?

Other- 42%
Food- 19%
Bills- 14%
Housing- 25%
A 1,235
B 1,625
C 390**
D 715

O 68 degrees
M 59 degrees
N 53 degrees
Another triangle
For each of the following angles name th congruent angle.


Tell me if I am right.. I believe I am right for the 2 one but not the 1 one.

both are correct

Much appreciated!!

To calculate how much more the family has on housing than food, we need to find the difference between the percentages allocated to housing and food from the total monthly budget.

The percentage allocated to housing is 25%, and the percentage allocated to food is 19%.

To find the amount in dollars, we can multiply each percentage by the total monthly budget:

Housing: 25% of $6,500 = 0.25 * $6,500 = $1,625
Food: 19% of $6,500 = 0.19 * $6,500 = $1,235

The difference between the amounts allocated to housing and food is:
$1,625 - $1,235 = $390

Therefore, the family has $390 more on housing than food.

Regarding the congruent angles in the triangles:


Given angles in △MNO:
Angle O = 68 degrees
Angle M = 59 degrees
Angle N = 53 degrees

To find the congruent angles in △PQR, we look for the corresponding angles in the congruent triangle.

Thus, the congruent angles in △PQR are:
Angle Q (corresponding to angle N)
Angle R (corresponding to angle O)

So, the correct answer is:
D - Q, R

To determine how much more the family has on housing than food, you need to calculate the actual amounts of money allocated to each category.

Start by finding the amount allocated to housing:
Housing = (25% / 100%) * Total budget
Housing = (25/100) * 6,500
Housing = 1,625

Then, find the amount allocated to food:
Food = (19% / 100%) * Total budget
Food = (19/100) * 6,500
Food = 1,235

To find the difference, subtract the amount allocated to food from the amount allocated to housing:
Difference = Housing - Food
Difference = 1,625 - 1,235
Difference = 390

Therefore, the family has $390 more on housing than on food.

Regarding the second question about congruent angles, you are correct:
N is congruent to Q
O is congruent to R