A 20-ounce box of noodles contains 10 full servings. You like smaller servings; so you eat 7/8 of a full serving each time. After you eat as many of your size servings as possible, how many ounces of noodles will be left in the box?

full serving = 20 / 10 = 2 oz

7/8 * 2 = 7/4 oz = small serving
20oz /(7/4) = 80/7 = 11 3/7servings
so you ate 11 servings
and you have 3/7 of a serving left over
3/7 * 7/4 oz = 3/4 of an oz


To find out how many ounces of noodles will be left in the box, we need to calculate the number of servings you can consume with the 20-ounce box of noodles and then subtract that from the total number of servings.

First, we need to determine how many servings you can consume from the box of noodles.

You eat 7/8 of a full serving each time, so we can divide the full serving size (1) by your serving size (7/8) to find out how many servings you can have.

1 ÷ (7/8) = (1 × 8) ÷ 7 = 8/7

Therefore, you can eat 8/7 servings from the box of noodles.

Now, let's calculate how many servings will be left in the box.

There are 10 full servings in the 20-ounce box. Since you can eat 8/7 servings, we can subtract that from the total number of servings.

10 - (8/7) = 70/7 - 8/7 = 62/7

So, there will be 62/7 servings left in the box.

Finally, to find out how many ounces of noodles are left, we can multiply the remaining servings by the full serving size.

(62/7) × (20 ounces) ÷ 10 = 1240/70 = 17.71 ounces (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, there will be approximately 17.71 ounces of noodles left in the box.

To find out how many ounces of noodles will be left in the box, we need to do a few calculations.

First, we need to determine the size of your smaller serving. You eat 7/8 of a full serving each time, and since a full serving is 20 ounces, we can find the size of your serving by multiplying the full serving by 7/8:

Serving size = 20 ounces * (7/8) = 140/8 = 17.5 ounces

Now, we can calculate how many of your servings you can eat from the 20-ounce box. To do this, we divide the total amount of noodles (20 ounces) by the serving size (17.5 ounces):

Number of servings = 20 ounces / 17.5 ounces = 1.14 servings

Since you can't have a fraction of a serving, we round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, you can eat 1 serving of noodles.

To find out how many ounces of noodles will be left in the box, we subtract the amount you ate from the total amount in the box:

Noodles left = Total noodles - Noodles eaten
= 20 ounces - (1 serving * 17.5 ounces)
= 20 ounces - 17.5 ounces
= 2.5 ounces

Therefore, there will be 2.5 ounces of noodles left in the box after you eat as many of your smaller servings as possible.