If the time at London is 9:45 p.m. and the Host country of the football match and people residing in town x latitude 10°N and longitude 16°E and town y latitude 30° S longitude 45°W if the football match was to be played on the 15th of July at what time will they watch the match in the town X and Y ..pls help

To determine the time in Town X and Town Y for the football match, we need to consider the time zones and calculate the time difference between London and the respective towns.

1. Town X (Latitude 10°N, Longitude 16°E):
- Determine the time difference between London (GMT) and Town X (GMT+X).
- Since the longitude of London is not given, we will assume it is 0°.
- The longitude of Town X is 16°E, which is 16 degrees east of the Prime Meridian.
- Every 15 degrees of longitude accounts for a time difference of 1 hour.
- So, Town X is approximately 1 hour ahead of London (GMT+1).
- Therefore, if the time in London is 9:45 p.m., the time in Town X would be 10:45 p.m.

2. Town Y (Latitude 30°S, Longitude 45°W):
- Determine the time difference between London (GMT) and Town Y (GMT+Y).
- London's longitude is assumed to be 0°.
- The longitude of Town Y is 45°W, which is 45 degrees west of the Prime Meridian.
- Similar to before, every 15 degrees of longitude accounts for a time difference of 1 hour.
- Therefore, Town Y is approximately 3 hours behind London (GMT-3).
- Considering the time in London is 9:45 p.m., the time in Town Y would be 6:45 p.m.

In summary:
- The football match will be watched in Town X (10°N, 16°E) at 10:45 p.m.
- The football match will be watched in Town Y (30°S, 45°W) at 6:45 p.m.