Construct an triangle ABC with sides 7cm,8cm,9cm

Draw AB with length 9

with center at A and B, draw circles with radius 7 and 8
C is where the circles intersect.

What question

To construct triangle ABC with sides 7cm, 8cm, and 9cm, follow these steps:

1. Draw a line segment AB of length 7cm.
2. From point A, draw a ray with any angle greater than 90 degrees. Let this ray intersect AB at C.
3. With a compass, set the width to 8cm. Place the compass at point B and draw an arc that intersects the ray at point D.
4. With the same compass width, place the compass at point D and draw another arc that intersects the first arc at point E.
5. Draw a line from point C to point E.
6. Finally, draw a line from point B to point E.

The resulting triangle ABC will have sides measuring 7cm, 8cm, and 9cm respectively.