A 63 year old man has become progressively hard of hearing. He's a retired airplane mechanic. He also notices a lot of wax in his ears. What kind of hearing loss is this man likely to have?

A. conductive
B. conductive AND sensorinueral

Based on the information given, it is likely that the 63-year-old man has a conductive hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem conducting sound waves through the outer or middle ear. In this case, the presence of a lot of wax in his ears suggests that the wax is blocking or obstructing the sound from reaching the inner ear. This can result in a reduction in his ability to hear.

To determine the type of hearing loss, it is important to consider other potential factors, such as any additional symptoms he might be experiencing, medical history, and results of a comprehensive hearing evaluation conducted by a qualified healthcare professional. However, based purely on the given information, the presence of excessive earwax points towards conductive hearing loss.