1. Which sentence is capitalized correctly?

A. I learned that Thor is the god of thunder when I read a book about myths from Norway.
B. I learned that Thor is the God Of Thunder when I read a book about Myths from Norway.
C. I learned that Thor is the god of thunder when I read a Book about myths from norway.
D. I learned that thor is the God of thunder when I read a book about myths from Norway.

2. My brother and I visit my grandmother every sunday for dinner.
Which word in the sentence needs to be capitalized?
A. brother
B. grandmother
C. sunday
D. dinner

3. Which sentence correctly uses a comma to join an independent and dependent clause?
A. When you reach your destination please, give me a call to check in.
B. I will plant the vegetable garden, after I’m done mowing the grass.
C. My cousin who is a black belt in karate, taught me a lesson in self-defense.
D. Although I had been looking forward to the concert, I was just too tired to go.

4. Which sentence correctly uses commas?
A. I don’t like watching a lot of TV, but, I really enjoy going to the movies.
B. My teacher who has lived, in several countries, speaks five languages.
C. My aunt, illustrates books, writes stories, and teaches art classes.
D. I slipped several times as I made my way up the steep, wet, rocky trail.

5. Even though my life is very busy, I spend as much time as I can with my family. I often ask my dad, who is an excellent athlete, to play soccer with me. I also enjoy taking walks, baking desserts, and playing cards with my mom. However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal, black cat, Max.
How should this paragraph be revised so that it is correct?
A. The word “soccer” should be capitalized.
B. The comma after “however” should be removed.
C. The word “cat” should be capitalized.
D. The comma after “loyal” should be removed.

6. Even though my life is very busy, I spend as much time as I can with my family. I often ask my dad, who is an excellent athlete, to play soccer with me. I also enjoy taking walks, baking desserts, and playing cards with my mom. However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal, black cat, Max.
Which sentence from the paragraph has been revised correctly?
A. Even though, my life is very busy, I spend as much time as I can with my family.
B. I often ask my dad who is an excellent athlete, to play soccer with me.
C. I also enjoy taking walks, baking desserts, and playing cards, with my mom.
D. However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal black cat, Max.

1. The correct answer is A. "I learned that Thor is the god of thunder when I read a book about myths from Norway." This sentence is capitalized correctly because it follows the standard rules of capitalization. The first word of the sentence, "I," is capitalized, as is the pronoun "Thor" and the proper noun "Norway." The other words in the sentence, like "the," "of," and "a," are not capitalized because they are not proper nouns.

2. The correct answer is C. "sunday." In the sentence "My brother and I visit my grandmother every Sunday for dinner," "Sunday" should be capitalized. Days of the week are always capitalized because they are proper nouns.

3. The correct answer is B. "I will plant the vegetable garden, after I’m done mowing the grass." This sentence correctly uses a comma to join an independent clause ("I will plant the vegetable garden") and a dependent clause ("after I'm done mowing the grass"). The comma is used to separate the two clauses and make the sentence clear and grammatically correct.

4. The correct answer is D. "I slipped several times as I made my way up the steep, wet, rocky trail." This sentence correctly uses commas to separate a series of adjectives describing the trail. The commas are used to make the sentence clear and help the reader understand that the trail is steep, wet, and rocky.

5. The correct answer is D. "The comma after 'loyal' should be removed." In the sentence "However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal, black cat, Max," the comma after "loyal" should be removed. The comma is unnecessary and disrupts the flow of the sentence. The rest of the paragraph does not require any revisions.

6. The correct answer is D. "However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal black cat, Max." This sentence has been revised correctly. The comma after "however" has been removed, which makes the sentence read smoothly. The other sentences in the paragraph do not require any revisions.

1. The sentence capitalized correctly is: A. I learned that Thor is the god of thunder when I read a book about myths from Norway.

2. The word in the sentence that needs to be capitalized is: C. Sunday.

3. The sentence that correctly uses a comma to join an independent and dependent clause is: B. I will plant the vegetable garden, after I’m done mowing the grass.

4. The sentence that correctly uses commas is: D. I slipped several times as I made my way up the steep, wet, rocky trail.

5. The revision that is correct for the paragraph is: C. The word “cat” should be capitalized.

6. The sentence from the paragraph that has been revised correctly is: D. However, nothing is better than watching movies with my loyal black cat, Max.

1. a

2. c
3. d
4. d
5. d
6. d