What revision should be made to maintain parallel structure?

Sentence 1 should be revised to read, “When I get to my hometown, my first stop will be my uncle’s old gas station.”
Sentence 2 should be revised to read, “After that I will stop at Lancer’s Diner for some homemade cherry pie.”
Sentence 3 should be revised to read, “My next stop will be old Mr. Butterworth’s for a chat with my favorite neighbor.”
Sentence 4 should be revised to read, “My last stop will be the house in which I grew up to see who lives there now.”

think its sent 3

To maintain parallel structure, the revision should be made to the last sentence. Sentence 4 should be revised to read, "My final stop will be the house in which I grew up to see who lives there now."

To maintain parallel structure in the given sentences, the verb phrase "will be" should be used consistently. Here are the revised sentences that maintain parallelism:

1. Sentence 1 should be revised to read, “When I get to my hometown, my first stop will be at my uncle’s old gas station.”
Explanation: To maintain parallel structure, add the preposition "at" after "will be."

2. Sentence 2 should be revised to read, “After that, I will stop at Lancer’s Diner for some homemade cherry pie.”
Explanation: No revision is necessary. This sentence already maintains parallel structure.

3. Sentence 3 should be revised to read, “My next stop will be at old Mr. Butterworth’s for a chat with my favorite neighbor.”
Explanation: To maintain parallel structure, add the preposition "at" after "will be."

4. Sentence 4 should be revised to read, “My last stop will be the house in which I grew up to see who lives there now.”
Explanation: No revision is necessary. This sentence already maintains parallel structure.