A farmer only grew one type of onion. All of the onion plants died from the same disease. What can be concluded of onion population

Based on the information provided, we can conclude that the entire onion population grown by the farmer has been affected by the same disease and has died. This means that the entire crop of onions has been lost.

To reach this conclusion, we consider the following points:

1. Variety: The farmer grew only one type of onion. This indicates that all the onion plants in the field were of the same variety.

2. Disease: All of the onion plants died from the same disease. The fact that they all succumbed to the same disease suggests that the disease was highly contagious and able to infect all the onion plants.

3. Total loss: Since all the onion plants were affected by the disease and died, it can be concluded that the entire onion population, or crop, has been lost.

In summary, the farmer's crop of onions suffered a complete loss as all the plants were of the same variety and died from the same disease.