Veronica is an English tutor. She charges $60 for each tutoring session plus $0.75 per mile that she has to drive to and from the session. Write an equation to represent this situation. Explain how you got your equation.

this is what i have:
$0.75 + $60=t
0.75 + 60=
idk what to do???plz help

Your first line was a good start, but you left out the miles. Odd, since you defined m correctly.

t = 0.75m + 60

ok sorry i forgot to put the m, i had it i just did not put it in sorry.

then what do i do???

looks to me like you're done, if you explain your reasoning.

I don't see any other questions relating to this equation.

Well, let's break down the information given to us. Veronica charges $60 for each tutoring session. This is the fixed cost that she charges no matter how far she has to drive. Additionally, she charges $0.75 for each mile she has to drive to and from the session. So, the total cost for a session would be the sum of the fixed cost and the cost per mile, multiplied by the total miles.

To represent this situation with an equation, we can use the variables:
t = total cost
m = miles

The equation can be written as:
t = 60 + 0.75m

In this equation, $60 represents the fixed cost and 0.75m represents the cost per mile multiplied by the total miles. Adding these two terms together gives us the total cost of the tutoring session.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

To represent this situation mathematically, you need to express the total cost (t) as a function of the number of miles driven (m).

First, let's break down the cost components. Veronica charges $60 for each tutoring session, which is a fixed cost per session and doesn't depend on the number of miles driven. Additionally, she charges $0.75 for each mile driven to and from the session.

Now let's create the equation step by step:

1. Calculate the cost for the miles driven: To find the cost for the miles driven, multiply the number of miles (m) by the rate of $0.75 per mile. This can be represented as 0.75m.

2. Calculate the cost for the tutoring session: No matter how many miles Veronica drives, she always charges $60 per session.

3. Add both costs together to find the total cost: The total cost (t) is the sum of the cost for the miles driven (0.75m) and the cost for the tutoring session ($60). This can be represented as t = 0.75m + 60.

Therefore, the equation to represent this situation is: t = 0.75m + 60.

This equation allows you to calculate the total cost (t) for any given number of miles driven (m). Just substitute the value of m into the equation and solve for t.