Which one is in passive voice 1 the menus were kept near the door.2 the cafe had seating for 40 people.3 two guests were waiting when the cafe opened the door. 4 none of the above

To determine which sentence is in the passive voice, we need to identify sentences that use a form of the verb "to be" (e.g., "were," "had") plus the past participle of a verb (e.g., "kept," "seating," "waiting").

Option 1: "The menus were kept near the door." - This sentence is in the passive voice because it uses the past tense of the verb "to be" ("were") plus the past participle of the verb "to keep" ("kept").

Option 2: "The cafe had seating for 40 people." - This sentence is not in the passive voice. Instead, it uses the past tense of the verb "to have" ("had") to show possession.

Option 3: "Two guests were waiting when the cafe opened the door." - This sentence is in the passive voice because it uses the past tense of the verb "to be" ("were") plus the past participle of the verb "to wait" ("waiting").

Option 4: "None of the above." - This option does not provide any sentence, so it cannot be evaluated for passive voice.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option 3: "Two guests were waiting when the cafe opened the door."