jim earns $9.25 per hour at his part time job which equation represents the amount of money jim will earn if he works h hours

Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

To answer your question, the equation that represents the amount of money Jim will earn if he works h hours is:
Total amount earned = $9.25 × h
So, the equation is: Total amount earned = 9.25h.

To find the amount of money Jim will earn if he works h hours, we can multiply his hourly rate by the number of hours he works.

Jim earns $9.25 per hour, so for every hour he works, he earns $9.25.

Therefore, the equation representing the amount of money Jim will earn based on the number of hours he works is:

Amount of money Jim will earn = h * $9.25

In this equation, h represents the number of hours Jim works, and multiplying it by $9.25 gives us the total amount of money he will earn.