I am not good at alegebra

Then m= what how do you get the answer

Is the question asking to put m by itself?

F= M+ V/2

Then M= what
I do not understand this problem

To find the value of "m" in the equation F = m + v/2, you need to isolate the variable "m" on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the equation: F = m + v/2
2. Subtract v/2 from both sides of the equation to isolate the "m" term. This will give you: F - v/2 = m
3. The resulting equation, F - v/2 = m, gives you the value of "m" in terms of F and v. So, m = F - v/2.

Now you can substitute the values of F and v into this equation to find the value of "m".