Why is conjugation in bacteria not considered to be sexual reproduction?

Conjugation is a form of binary fission, which is asexual reproduction.
Cell division occurs, but no DNA is shared.
It can occur between different species.
DNA is shared, but no new organisms are produced.

its D.


Bacterial conjugation is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells.

Yes, you are correct. Conjugation in bacteria is not considered to be sexual reproduction because it does not involve the fusion of gametes or the formation of offspring. Instead, it is a form of horizontal gene transfer in which genetic material, often in the form of plasmids, is transferred between two bacterial cells. Although DNA is shared between cells during conjugation, no new organisms are produced as a result. Therefore, it is classified as a form of asexual reproduction through cell division rather than sexual reproduction.

To determine why conjugation in bacteria is not considered to be sexual reproduction, we can analyze each option provided.

A. Conjugation involves cell division, which is true. During conjugation, a donor bacterium transfers a plasmid (a small circular piece of DNA) to a recipient bacterium through a cytoplasmic bridge. This process ultimately leads to cell division.

B. No DNA is shared during conjugation, which is false. Conjugation involves the transfer of genetic material from the donor bacterium to the recipient. The transferred DNA can include genes encoding various traits, aiding in adaptation and survival.

C. Conjugation can occur between different species, which is true. Bacteria have the ability to exchange genetic material regardless of their species. This horizontal gene transfer allows for the spread of beneficial traits among different bacterial populations.

D. No new organisms are produced during conjugation, which is true. While conjugation involves the transfer of genetic material, it does not lead to the formation of new organisms. The donor and recipient bacteria remain as separate individuals after the exchange.

Based on the analysis, option D is correct. Conjugation does not result in the production of new organisms, which is a characteristic of sexual reproduction. Therefore, conjugation in bacteria is not considered to be sexual reproduction, but rather a form of genetic exchange through horizontal gene transfer.