Each student in Grade Four was given 20 raffle tickets to sell to raise funds for their school. The price of each ticket is $1.50. If Olivia sold all her tickets, how much money did she raise for her school? If there are 30 students in grade 4, and they all sold all of their tickets, how much money was raised altogether?

20 x 30 = 600

60 / 1.50 = 400

so $400

What are ur choices?

To calculate how much money Olivia raised, we need to multiply the number of tickets she sold by the price per ticket. We know that Olivia sold all her tickets, and she had 20 tickets.

Number of tickets sold by Olivia = 20
Price per ticket = $1.50

Money raised by Olivia = Number of tickets sold by Olivia * Price per ticket

Money raised by Olivia = 20 * $1.50

Money raised by Olivia = $<<20*1.5=30>>30

Olivia raised $30 for her school.

Now, to calculate the total amount of money raised by all the students, we need to consider that there are 30 students in Grade Four and each student sold all 20 tickets.

Number of students = 30
Number of tickets sold by each student = 20
Price per ticket = $1.50

Total money raised by all students = Number of students * Number of tickets sold by each student * Price per ticket

Total money raised by all students = 30 * 20 * $1.50

Total money raised by all students = $<<30*20*1.5=900>>900

Altogether, the students raised $900 for their school.

To find out how much money Olivia raised for her school, we can multiply the number of raffle tickets she sold by the price of each ticket.

Olivia was given 20 raffle tickets, and the price of each ticket is $1.50. So, Olivia raised:

$1.50 x 20 = $30

Olivia raised $30 for her school.

To find out how much money was raised altogether if all 30 students in grade 4 sold all their tickets, we can multiply the total number of tickets sold by the price of each ticket.

Each student was given 20 tickets, and there are 30 students in grade 4. So, the total number of tickets sold is:

20 tickets/student x 30 students = 600 tickets

The price of each ticket is $1.50. So, the total amount of money raised is:

$1.50 x 600 = $900

Altogether, all 30 students raised $900 for their school.