Fiona is serving iced tea and lemonade at a picnic. She has only 44 glasses in which to serve the drinks. If x represents the number of glasses of iced tea and y represents the number of glasses of lemonade, which equation represents the number of glasses of ice tea she can serve?



Step-by-step explanation:

44 - the lemonade is equal to iced tea

All of these are wrong 🌭


To represent the number of glasses of iced tea Fiona can serve, we can write an equation using the given information.

Since Fiona has a total of 44 glasses, the number of glasses of iced tea and lemonade combined should be 44.

To solve this, we need to choose one variable to represent the number of glasses of iced tea. Let's choose x to represent the glasses of iced tea.

So, the equation representing the number of glasses of iced tea Fiona can serve is:

x = 44 - y

Here, y represents the number of glasses of lemonade. By subtracting y from 44, we can find the number of glasses of iced tea Fiona can serve.

44 - y = x