Read the excerpt from "Echo and Narcissus."

Once there was a fairy named Echo who lived in the forested mountains of Greece. She was well liked by the gods and goddesses she served except for the occasions when she would not stop talking. Her chatter, her desire to share every detail of her life, and her endless gossip were often annoying.
This excerpt contains which mythical element?
A. featuring nonhuman characters
B. explaining the natural world
C. teaching a lesson
D. addressing opposites

That's just @someone with different names nobody would of responded that quick .-.

Your welcome

plus look at the date stop trying to fool people

YESSIR, 100%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THX SO MUCH

Your welcome

OMG!!!! HE'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!! 100%%%%% TRUST HIM

YES!!!!!!!!! 100%%%%%!!!! i can play like 2 hours of roblox today!!! THX SOOOOOOO MUCH @Someone

thats not true for connexus

his answers are correct, 100%%%% thx dude, @Someone is the best

Edgenuity sees if you are cheating so dont, I know you have the urge to but if you are going to search one question. If you look at the window/tab and the question is not related to the one you are answering they are still going to count that. Even if you are bored and want to stare at the cheating question because the Edgenuity tab is boring. It is like taking text evidence from a book but then you continue staring at it so it looks like you are cheating cause you were suppose to read it the night before.