Maria needs 2 1/2 cups of flour to make one loaf of bread. How many loaves of bread can she make with 15 cups of flour?

a. 7 loaves of bread
b. 4 loaves of bread
c. 5 loaves of bread
d. 6 loaves of bread

your answer?

15 / 2 1/2 = 15 / 5/2 = 15 * 2/5 = 6

1/2.5 = x/15

Solve for x.

Grade 5

To find out how many loaves of bread Maria can make with 15 cups of flour, we need to divide the total amount of flour by the amount needed for each loaf.

Maria needs 2 1/2 cups of flour for one loaf of bread. We can rewrite this as a mixed number: 2 + 1/2 = 2.5 cups.

Now we can divide the total amount of flour (15 cups) by the amount needed for each loaf (2.5 cups) to find the number of loaves Maria can make.

15 cups ÷ 2.5 cups = 6

Therefore, Maria can make 6 loaves of bread with 15 cups of flour.

The correct answer is d. 6 loaves of bread.