Ricky paid $32 for a board game and a jacket. The jacket cost 3 times as much as the board game. What is the price between the two items?

32 x 3 = 96 so the answer is 96! hope this was helpful (btw sorry if I am wrong you had to multiply)

To find the price of the board game and the jacket, we can set up a system of equations. Let's assume the price of the board game is x dollars.

According to the given information, the jacket cost 3 times as much as the board game. Therefore, the price of the jacket is 3x dollars.

Ricky paid a total of $32 for both the board game and the jacket, so we can write another equation:

x + 3x = 32

Adding like terms, the equation becomes:

4x = 32

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 32/4

Simplifying, we find:

x = 8

So the price of the board game is $8.

Substituting the value of x back into the equation for the jacket price, we find:

3x = 3 * 8 = 24

Therefore, the price of the jacket is $24.

In conclusion, the board game cost $8 and the jacket cost $24.

your question makes no sense, so of course you got the rwong answer, even thoigh the calculation was correct.