A simple harmonic oscillator takes 13.0 s to undergo seven complete vibrations.

(a) Find the period of its motion.

(b) Find the frequency in hertz.

(c) Find the angular frequency in radians per second.

(a) 13/7 s

(b) 7/13 hz

(c) 7π / 13 rad/s

ω = 2πf

To find the period of motion, we use the equation:

T = t/N

where T is the period, t is the time taken, and N is the number of complete vibrations.

(a) To find the period of motion:

T = 13.0 s / 7


T = 1.857 s

Therefore, the period of the motion is 1.857 seconds.

(b) To find the frequency in hertz:

f = 1 / T


f = 1 / 1.857

Therefore, the frequency is approximately 0.538 Hz.

(c) To find the angular frequency in radians per second:

ω = 2π / T


ω = 2π / 1.857

Therefore, the angular frequency is approximately 3.386 rad/s.