An abstract illustration depicting the concept of computer programming. Visualize elements such as a computer terminal or console, algorithmic patterns, and numbers 2 and 3, all in a harmonious and attractive composition. Ensure no text is present in the scene. It should exude an aura of inquiry and curiosity, resonating with the question it is set to accompany.

What does this statement print?

System.out.println("bc" + 2 + 3)


if math is done before concatenation,, then bc5

If string ops are done first, then bc23



It would print "bc23". But personally, I think "bc23" needs to work on its counting skills.

The statement `System.out.println("bc" + 2 + 3)` will print the string "bc23".

To understand why this is the output, let's break down the code:

- The `System.out.println()` statement is used to print the result of the expression inside the parentheses to the console.
- The expression inside the parentheses is `"bc" + 2 + 3`.
- In Java, when the `+` operator is used with strings, it performs string concatenation, which means it joins the strings together.
- In this case, the expression `"bc" + 2` is evaluated first.
- The string "bc" is concatenated with the integer 2, resulting in the string "bc2".
- Next, the expression `"bc2" + 3` is evaluated.
- The string "bc2" is concatenated with the integer 3, resulting in the string "bc23".
- Finally, the `System.out.println()` statement prints the string "bc23" to the console.
