As a result of the early women's movement, women began to

a. own property and make wills
b. join religious revivals
c. vote in local elections
d. graduate from college


Women could always join religious revivals. Try again.

You're guessing. When did women get the right to vote?

No; that occurred much later in the movement, when national suffrage was achieved by consitutional amenment. Some states allowed women to vote before that.

for the answer

so A: own property and make wills



Yes, you are correct. As a result of the early women's movement, women began to own property and make wills (option a). To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination by examining the other answer choices.

Option b, join religious revivals, does not directly relate to the early women's movement as it is more focused on religious participation rather than social and political equality.

Option c, vote in local elections, is not entirely accurate. While women did fight for suffrage rights during the early women's movement, they did not immediately gain the right to vote in local elections. It was not until later that they were able to secure the right to vote in both local and national elections.

Option d, graduate from college, did occur as a result of the women's movement, but it was not one of the primary changes that occurred during this time. The early women's movement focused more on issues like property rights, suffrage, and legal equality.

Therefore, option a, own property and make wills, is the most accurate and relevant choice that aligns with the changes brought about by the early women's movement.