The dot plot shows the lengths of the 12 trailers sold at a store last month.

Which statement about the data is true?

No dot plot shown or statements given.

To determine which statement about the data is true, we need to analyze the provided dot plot. However, as a text-based AI, I don't have access to the visual representation of the data. Therefore, I won't be able to directly answer your question.

However, I can guide you on how to interpret a dot plot and make conclusions about the data. With a dot plot, each data point is represented by a dot along a number line. By examining the dot plot, you can look for patterns, distributions, and characteristics of the data. Here's how you can analyze the dot plot:

1. Look for central tendency: Identify if there's a cluster or concentration of dots around a particular point on the number line. This can indicate the central tendency, such as the mean or median of the data.

2. Check for distribution: Observe how the dots are spread out. Look for symmetry or skewness. A symmetrical distribution will have dots evenly distributed around the central tendency. A skewed distribution will have the dots more concentrated on one side of the central tendency.

3. Identify outliers: Look for any dots that are significantly separate from the main distribution. Outliers are data points that deviate significantly from the rest of the data and could represent unique or extreme values.

By applying these steps to the dot plot, you should be able to draw conclusions about the data and determine which statement is true.