Sam the squirrel is gathering nuts for the winter. Sam hides some nuts under the rock in the garden. Sam hides twelve nuts in the hollow tree. Sam hides twenty nuts behind the birdbath. Sam is tired. Sam has hidden forty-eight nuts! How many nuts does Sam hide under the rock in the garden?

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To determine the number of nuts Sam hides under the rock in the garden, we need to subtract the number of nuts hidden in the hollow tree and behind the birdbath from the total number of nuts Sam has hidden.

Total number of nuts hidden by Sam = 48

Number of nuts hidden in the hollow tree = 12

Number of nuts hidden behind the birdbath = 20

To find the number of nuts hidden under the rock in the garden:

48 - 12 - 20 = 16

Therefore, Sam hides 16 nuts under the rock in the garden.

To find out how many nuts Sam hides under the rock in the garden, we need to subtract the number of nuts he hides in the hollow tree and behind the birdbath from the total number of nuts he hides.

1. Start with the total number of nuts Sam hides, which is 48.
2. Subtract the number of nuts he hides in the hollow tree, which is 12. 48 - 12 = 36.
3. Subtract the number of nuts he hides behind the birdbath, which is 20. 36 - 20 = 16.

Therefore, Sam hides 16 nuts under the rock in the garden.

x + 12 + 20 = 48