If Jaime wants to find 60% of 320, which table should he use?

A 2-column table with 11 rows. Column 1 has entries 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, 10 percent, Total 100 percent. Column 2 has entries blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, Total blank.
B 2-column table with 5 rows. Column 1 has entries 25 percent, 25 percent, 25 percent, 25 percent, Total 100 percent. Column 2 has entries blank, blank, blank, blank, Total blank.
C 2-column table with 4 rows. Column 1 has entries 30 percent, 30 percent, 30 percent, Total 100 percent. Column 2 has entries blank, blank, blank, Total blank.
D 2-column table with 3 rows. Column 1 has entries 50 percent, 50 percent, Total 100 percent. Column 2 has entries blank, blank, Total blank.

its a

the answer is a

To find 60% of 320, Jaime should use the B 2-column table.

This table has 5 rows, with each row representing 25% of the total. Since 60% is greater than 25% but less than 75%, the B table is the most suitable option.

In the B table, we can see that the first row represents 25%, the second row represents 25%, the third row represents 25%, and the fourth row represents 25%. The total of these four rows is 100%.

To find 60% of 320, you can divide 60% by 25% to determine how many rows you need to consider. In this case, 60 divided by 25 equals 2.4. So, we will consider two rows out of the four available in the B table.

The second column of the B table is left blank, which indicates that you need to leave it empty and focus only on the first column.

So, to find 60% of 320 using the B table, you would calculate: 2 rows * 25% * 320 = 2 * 0.25 * 320 = 160.

Therefore, 60% of 320 is 160, and Jaime should use the B 2-column table to get this answer.