Katie knows that Roman culture has influenced many things she sees in her everyday life. Which is an example of how Roman culture has influenced Katie’s life? Select the two correct answers.

She drinks a cup of tea every afternoon.

She is learning how to speak Spanish.

She knows how to speak German.

She plans to vote in the next election.

She uses sugar to make her coffee sweeter.


Greece: citizens participated directly in making laws.
Rome: there were three branches of government to ensure not branch became too powerful
Rome: civilians could elect officials to make decisions in government
Greece and Rome: civilians had a role in deciding about how their society was governed

A stable empire under Augustus Led to a period of peace...Diocletian split the empire into two parts...The Emperor Constantine came to power and unite the empire... The city of Rome was attacked by Germanic tribes

B, D

Byzantine empire: made laws that ban the use of icons
Byzantine empire: adopted eastern Orthodox Christianity
Roman empire: believed that pope was the head of Christian church
Roman empire: fell when it was attacked by outside invaders


100%, hope y'all have a good day :)

come on now why am i being torchered with this awful test my cant middle school be easy man i think i should just fail and get over with it i hae no encroument with my mild deppresion of seeing my per die in my hands them having anrexia and hating my body to suicidal thoughts yet im am perfectly ok.

People I know you see it answer it please.

Do you have the answer? Any one. Please.

To determine which answers are examples of how Roman culture has influenced Katie's life, we need to consider the impact of Roman culture on these options.

A. She drinks a cup of tea every afternoon.
Explanation: Tea originated in China and was not directly influenced by Roman culture. Therefore, this option is not an example of how Roman culture has influenced Katie's life.

B. She is learning how to speak Spanish.
Explanation: Spanish is a Romance language, which means it evolved from Latin, the language of the Romans. Therefore, this option is an example of how Roman culture has influenced Katie's life.

C. She knows how to speak German.
Explanation: German is a Germanic language and was not directly influenced by Roman culture. Therefore, this option is not an example of how Roman culture has influenced Katie's life.

D. She plans to vote in the next election.
Explanation: The concept of democracy and voting originated in ancient Greece, not Roman culture. Therefore, this option is not an example of how Roman culture has influenced Katie's life.

E. She uses sugar to make her coffee sweeter.
Explanation: While sugar was introduced to Europe by the Arabs and then spread through trade, including with the Romans, the use of sugar cannot be solely attributed to Roman culture. Therefore, this option is not an example of how Roman culture has influenced Katie's life.

Based on the explanations provided, the only correct answers are:

B. She is learning how to speak Spanish.
E. She uses sugar to make her coffee sweeter.