Use the headline to answer the question.

The Daily News — March 14, 1904

Supreme Court Rules Northern Securities in Violation of Sherman Antitrust Act

Which statement best explains the significance of the newspaper headline?


The ruling provided a legal basis for strengthening labor unions.

The ruling led to better conditions for Northern Securities’ workers.

The ruling was the first time the Sherman Antitrust Act was used to break up a trust.

The ruling was a victory for owners of railroad companies.



my answer is b am i correct

its c

no is me correct @0-0

Based on the newspaper headline, the answer to the question can be found by understanding the significance of the Supreme Court ruling regarding Northern Securities and the Sherman Antitrust Act.

To find the answer, we need to analyze the information provided in the headline. According to the headline, the Supreme Court ruled that Northern Securities was in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. This ruling implies that the court found Northern Securities to be engaged in anti-competitive practices that violated the law.

Now let's examine the given options:

A. The ruling provided a legal basis for strengthening labor unions.
This option does not directly relate to the information provided in the headline. The ruling is about a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and does not concern labor unions.

B. The ruling led to better conditions for Northern Securities’ workers.
The headline does not offer any information about the conditions of the workers at Northern Securities. Therefore, this option cannot be determined from the headline alone.

C. The ruling was the first time the Sherman Antitrust Act was used to break up a trust.
This statement aligns with the information in the headline. The ruling is described as being in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, suggesting that this was the first time the act was used to break up a trust. Thus, this option is a possible explanation suggested by the headline.

D. The ruling was a victory for owners of railroad companies.
The headline does not provide any information indicating whether the ruling was a victory for owners of railroad companies. Therefore, this option cannot be determined from the headline alone.

Based on the analysis, the statement that best explains the significance of the newspaper headline is:

C. The ruling was the first time the Sherman Antitrust Act was used to break up a trust.

Please note that this answer is based solely on the information provided in the newspaper headline.

i only need answers 1-5