What is happening when it's Summer in North America? *

A. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and receiving indirect sunlight.

B. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and receiving indirect sunlight.

C.The Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and receiving direct sunlight.

I think it's c, but i'm not sure.

To determine what is happening during summer in North America, we need to consider the tilt of Earth's axis. The correct answer is C. The Northern Hemisphere, which includes North America, is tilted towards the sun during the summer months. This means that the area is receiving direct sunlight.

To understand why this happens, we need to know that Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the sun. During the summer solstice, which occurs around June 20th or 21st, the Earth reaches a point in its orbit where the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. This results in longer daylight hours and more direct sunlight for regions in the Northern Hemisphere, including North America.

It's important to note that the opposite is true for the Southern Hemisphere during North America's summer. The Southern Hemisphere experiences its winter during this time, as it is tilted away from the sun, receiving indirect sunlight.

So, in summary, during summer in North America, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, which causes the region to receive direct sunlight.