quizas ese sendero nos lleva al lago

do i need to include the word que as i did in all the other sentences

No, but "quizás" es like "tal vez" = maybe, perhaps (NOT a fact, NOT for sure) = Subjunctive.

quizás ese sendero nos lleve (Subjunctive of llevar) al lago.


To determine whether you need to include the word "que" in the sentence, "Quizás ese sendero nos lleva al lago" (Perhaps this path leads us to the lake), it's helpful to understand the role of "que" in Spanish.

"Que" is a word that can have various functions in a sentence, such as being a conjunction (connecting two clauses) or a pronoun (referring to something or someone). In this particular sentence, "que" is not necessary.

The sentence "Quizás ese sendero nos lleva al lago" is already grammatically correct and complete without the inclusion of "que." The word "que" is not needed because the sentence structure is straightforward: "quizás" (perhaps) is followed by the subject "ese sendero" (this path), the verb "nos lleva" (leads us), and the prepositional phrase "al lago" (to the lake).

In summary, in this sentence, you do not need to include the word "que" as you did in the other sentences.