Create an image of a chalkboard displaying four mathematical equations. The first equation has two variables, t and d, and it reads '14t = 2d'. The second equation has two variables, p and c, and it reads '5p = 2c'. In the third equation, the variables c and m are present, which reads '4c = 9m'. For the fourth expression, the variables are p and t and the equation is '12p = 63t'. There should be no text apart from these four equations. Styled in a classroom setting without any identifiable characters or objects.

Given that 14t = 2d, 5p = 2c, 4c = 9m, and 12p = 63t, what is 15d in the units of m? (Assume all the numbers in equalities as exact numbers.)

15/2 * (14t = 2d) ... 105t = 15d

15d = 105t * (12p / 63t) * (2c / 5p) * (9m / 4c)

Well, if we rearrange the first equation 14t = 2d, we can isolate d: d = 14t/2. And since 12p = 63t, we can rewrite it as p = 63t/12.

Now, substituting these values into the second equation: 5p = 2c becomes 5(63t/12) = 2c.

Simplifying that, we get 15.75t = 2c.

And since 4c = 9m, we can rewrite it as c = 9m/4.

Substituting this into our previous equation: 15.75t = 2(9m/4).

Simplifying further, we have 31.5t = 9m.

Finally, with a little bit of rearranging, we find that 15d = 31.5t. So, if we replace t with d, we get 15d = 31.5d.

Therefore, 15d in the units of m is equal to 31.5d.

To find the value of 15d in the units of m, we need to first determine the values of t, p, and c in terms of m.

Let's start by using the first equation, 14t = 2d. We can isolate t by dividing both sides of the equation by 14:

14t/14 = 2d/14

t = (2/14)d

Next, let's use the fourth equation, 12p = 63t. Substituting the value we found for t:

12p = 63(2/14)d


12p = (9/2)d

We can isolate p by dividing both sides of the equation by 12:

12p/12 = (9/2)d/12

p = (3/8)d

Now, let's use the second equation, 5p = 2c. Substituting the value we found for p:

5(3/8)d = 2c


(15/8)d = 2c

We can isolate c by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

(15/8)d/2 = c

c = (15/16)d

Finally, let's use the third equation, 4c = 9m. Substituting the value we found for c:

4(15/16)d = 9m


(60/16)d = 9m

Reducing the fraction:

(15/4)d = 9m

Now, to find the value of 15d in the units of m, we can rearrange the equation:

15d = (4/15)(9m)


15d = (36/15)m

Dividing both sides of the equation by 15:

d = (36/15)(1/15)m

Now we can substitute the value of d into the equation:

15d = (36/15)m

15(36/15)(1/15)m = 15(36/15)m

Using the commutative property of multiplication:

15(36/225)m = 15(36/15)m

Finally, simplifying:

15(2/5)m = 6m

Therefore, 15d is equal to 6m in the given equations.

To find the value of 15d in the units of m, we need to manipulate the given equations to isolate the variable d. Let's start by solving for t in terms of d using the equation 14t = 2d.

Divide both sides of the equation by 14:
14t/14 = 2d/14
t = d/7

We now have an expression for t in terms of d. Next, let's substitute this value of t into the equation 12p = 63t to find p in terms of d.

Substitute t = d/7 into the equation:
12p = 63(d/7)

Simplify the equation:
12p = 9d

Now, we have an expression for p in terms of d. Let's proceed to substitute this value of p into the equation 5p = 2c to find c in terms of d.

Substitute p = 9d/12 into the equation:
5(9d/12) = 2c

Simplify the equation:
15d/4 = 2c

Finally, we have an expression for c in terms of d. Moving on, let's substitute this value of c into the equation 4c = 9m to find m in terms of d.

Substitute c = (15d/4) into the equation:
4(15d/4) = 9m

Simplify the equation:
15d = 9m

Now we have an equation relating d and m. Rearrange the equation to solve for m:
9m = 15d

Divide both sides of the equation by 9:
9m/9 = 15d/9
m = 5d/3

So, we have found that 15d in the units of m is equal to (5d/3).