A car traveling at an average speed of 55 kph leaves Town A for Town B, at a distance of 120 km. At the same time, another car, traveling on the same highway at an average speed of 45 kph, leaves Town B for Town A. How many hours will they meet? How far from Town A will they meet?

Their combined speed is 100 km/hr

distance = speed * time, so they will meet in
120/100 = 6/5 hours.
So, how far will A go in that time?

Let the distance from A to the meeting point be x km

then the distance from B to the meeting point is 120-x km

time from point A = x/55
time from point B = (120-x)/45
but those two times must be equal, they both left at the same time.

x/55 = (120-x)/45
45x = 6600 - 55x
100x = 6600
x = 66

They will meet 66 km from town A
the time will be x/55 or 66/55 = 6/5 hrs
which is 1 hour and 12 minutes

(notice I would get the same time if I had used
= (120-66)/45
= 54/45
= 6/5

To find out how many hours the two cars will meet and the distance from Town A where they will meet, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's calculate the time it takes for each car to travel to the meeting point:

Car 1 (traveling from Town A to Town B):
Distance = 120 km
Speed = 55 kph

Time taken by Car 1 = Distance / Speed = 120 km / 55 kph

Car 2 (traveling from Town B to Town A):
Distance = 120 km
Speed = 45 kph

Time taken by Car 2 = Distance / Speed = 120 km / 45 kph

Since both cars are traveling at the same time, we can set the two times equal to each other:

120 km / 55 kph = 120 km / 45 kph

Now, we can solve for the time it takes for them to meet:

120 km / 55 kph = t hours

t = (120 km * 45 kph) / 55 kph
t = 98.18 hours

So, the two cars will meet approximately after 98.18 hours.

To calculate the distance from Town A where they will meet, we can multiply the speed of Car 1 by the time it takes for them to meet:

Distance = Speed * Time taken by Car 1 = 55 kph * 98.18 hours

Distance = 5399 km

Therefore, the two cars will meet after approximately 98.18 hours, and they will meet approximately 5399 km from Town A.