At a school, there are 864 students and 80 staff members. 5/8 of the students are boys.

a.How many girls are there in the school?
b.1/6 of the boys joined the basketball team and 2/9 of the boys joined the soccer team. How many boys are there in the soccer team?

a. 3/8 * 864 = ?

b. 864 * 5/8 * 2/9 = ?

To get the answer to these questions, we will use some basic algebra and fraction calculations.

a. How many girls are there in the school?

We know that 5/8 of the students are boys, which means 3/8 of the students are girls. To find the number of girls, we need to find 3/8 of the total number of students.

Total number of students = 864
To find the number of girls, we calculate:
Number of girls = (3/8) * 864

First, we calculate 3/8 of 864:
3/8 * 864 = (3 * 864) / 8 = 2592/8 = 324

So, there are 324 girls in the school.

b. How many boys are there in the soccer team?

To find the number of boys in the soccer team, we need to find 2/9 of the total number of boys who are on the team.

Total number of boys = 5/8 of 864 (since 5/8 of the students are boys)
Number of boys = (5/8) * 864

First, we calculate 5/8 of 864:
5/8 * 864 = (5 * 864) / 8 = 4320/8 = 540

Now, we calculate 2/9 of the number of boys on the team:
Number of boys on the soccer team = (2/9) * 540

First, we calculate 2/9 of 540:
2/9 * 540 = (2 * 540) / 9 = 1080/9 = 120

So, there are 120 boys in the soccer team.