Which court would be the first to decide on cases of treason against the United States?

state trial court

state supreme court

federal district court

the United States Supreme Court

sorry its so late but its B. just look it up

The correct answer is C. federal district court. The federal district court would be the first court to decide on cases of treason against the United States.

The correct answer would be C. federal district court.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the basic hierarchy of the United States court system. The court system in the United States is comprised of both federal and state courts. The federal court system deals with cases involving federal laws, the Constitution, or disputes between states, while state courts handle cases relating to state laws and local issues.

Treason against the United States is considered a federal crime. Therefore, the initial jurisdiction would be held in a federal court, specifically the federal district court.

Federal district courts are trial courts, meaning they are the first level of courts where cases are heard. They have the authority to hold trials, review evidence, and make decisions on legal issues. In cases of treason against the United States, the federal district court would have the power to hear the case, present evidence, and deliver a verdict.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. federal district court.