Do you know where I could find some information on the following:

How did the industrial revolution affect the lower class?

You can get two points of view at

pretend that another industrial revolution is waiting to happen right now in 2009 all we need is one good invention to get it underway. make up an invention in your head that you think would spark it. what would this invention be,how would it work, what is its purpose and how much would it cost? keep in mind, it must be your own creation, something that does not yet exist. describe it in as many details as possible.

It affected the lower class because they could not afford essentials. Children had to go to work and families struggled to get everything they needed.

Of course! When it comes to finding information on how the industrial revolution affected the lower class, there are several reliable sources you can explore:

1. Books: Visit your local library or browse online bookstores for books that specifically discuss the impact of the industrial revolution on the lower class. Some recommended titles include "The Making of the English Working Class" by E.P. Thompson and "The Condition of the Working Class in England" by Friedrich Engels.

2. Academic Journals: Online databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic libraries provide access to scholarly articles and research papers analyzing the effects of the industrial revolution on different social classes. Look for articles from reputable journals such as "The Journal of Economic History" or "Past & Present."

3. Online Resources: Numerous educational websites and online platforms offer valuable information on this topic. Websites like Khan Academy,, or BBC History have dedicated sections that cover the industrial revolution and its impact on the lower class.

4. Museums and Exhibitions: If you prefer a more immersive experience, consider visiting museums or exhibitions that focus on the industrial revolution. These often provide informative exhibits and interactive displays that can help you understand the social and economic consequences for the lower class.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability. This approach will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.