I'm having a little bit of trouble of figuring what words to use since they don't have any word options.

1. Distinguish science fiction from ____ fiction

2. Identify the ___ in the drama

3. Analyze ____ directions

4. Drama, a written work that is meant to be _____

5. Fantasy fiction, fiction that relies on _____ and supernatural elements

6. Genre, a category of ____ which specific characteristics and elements.

7. Science fiction, a genre that focuses on ____ ideas and technology both real and imagined.

8. Supernatural, existing ___ of the normal world and scientific explanation.

9. Theme, a ___ text conveys about a topic.

If you can please help on the ones I didn't answer and correct the ones I did, thank you so much.

Number 8 i think is Beyond.

Number 2 I think is elements

for seven I think its scientific

1. To distinguish science fiction from other types of fiction, you can consider the characteristics and elements that are unique to science fiction stories, such as futuristic settings, advanced technology, and scientific concepts.

2. To identify the "conflict" in a drama, you can look for the central struggle or problem that drives the story forward. This conflict can be between characters, within a character's own mind, or between a character and their environment.

3. To analyze stage directions, you can examine the instructions provided by the playwright that indicate how the actors should move, speak, or interact with the set or props on stage. These directions provide insight into the intended staging and performance of the play.

4. "Drama, a written work that is meant to be performed." This definition emphasizes the performative nature of drama, where the written text is intended to be brought to life on stage through acting, staging, and other theatrical elements.

5. For fantasy fiction, you can say that it relies on "imaginary" or "fantastical" elements. These elements can include magic, mythical creatures, alternate worlds, and supernatural phenomena.

6. "Genre, a category of artistic composition with specific characteristics and elements." This definition highlights that genres, including literature, film, music, etc., have specific characteristics and themes that help categorize and differentiate them within the larger artistic landscape.

7. Science fiction focuses on "speculative" ideas and technology, both real and imagined. It often explores scientific concepts, future advancements, and their impact on individuals or society as a whole.

8. Supernatural refers to phenomena that exist "beyond" or "outside" the normal world and scientific explanations. It includes elements such as ghosts, magic, psychic abilities, and other phenomena that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws.

9. Theme refers to the "underlying" or "central" message that a text conveys about a particular topic or issue. It is a broader idea or concept that the author explores and communicates through the story, characters, or events.