On Saturday, Josh met his friend to go to a movie. The movie started at 4:30 in the afternoon and ended at seven o’clock in the evening. How long was the movie?

To find out how long the movie was, you need to subtract the starting time from the ending time.

First, you need to convert the starting time, 4:30 PM, to a time format that can be easily subtracted. Let's convert 4:30 PM to a 24-hour format, which is 16:30.

Next, you need to convert the ending time, 7:00 PM, to a 24-hour format. This can be written as 19:00.

Now, subtract the starting time (16:30) from the ending time (19:00).

19:00 - 16:30 = 02:30

The result is 2 hours and 30 minutes (02:30). Therefore, the movie was 2 hours and 30 minutes long.