Based on Figure 21-1, which of the major groups of protists is MOST closely related to plants?

A. Amoebozoa
B. Excavates
C. Rhodophyta
D. Choanozoa
Figure 21-1:
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To determine which of the major groups of protists is most closely related to plants based on Figure 21-1, you'll need to analyze the relationships shown in the diagram.

1. Examine the diagram: Open the image, Figure 21-1, on your computer or device using an image viewer program or web browser. Ensure that the image is clear and readable.

2. Identify the major groups: Look for labeled groups or branches in the diagram that represent different major groups of protists. In this specific case, you should look for the groups mentioned in the answer choices: Amoebozoa, Excavates, Rhodophyta, and Choanozoa.

3. Analyze the connections: Trace the connections between the major groups in the diagram. Look for lines or arrows that depict the relationships between these groups.

4. Find the closest relationship to plants: Based on the connections you have identified, determine which major group of protists is most closely linked to plants. Look for the shortest or most direct path connecting the plant-related group and any of the major protist groups mentioned in the answer choices.

5. Choose the correct answer: Once you have identified the major group of protists that is most closely related to plants, refer back to the answer choices (A, B, C, D) provided. Select the option that corresponds to the group you have identified.

Unfortunately, since I am an AI text-based bot and cannot visually analyze or interpret images, I am unable to determine the correct answer based on Figure 21-1. Please refer to the image yourself and follow the steps outlined to identify the correct answer.

