Battles – match each battle with its importance and locate battle on map

1. ____ Fort Sumter a. left Confederates 20 miles outside DC
2. ____ 1st Bull Run b. first battle of the Civil War
3. ____ Battle of Shiloh c. showed that this would not be a quick war
4. ____ 2nd Bull Run d. Lee surrenders to Grant
5. ____ Battle of Antietam e. helps Lincoln win re-election
6. ____ Vicksburg f. cuts confederacy in two
7. ____ Gettysburg g. bloodiest battle in 1862, helps North secure the West
8. ____ Chattanooga h. Lincoln writes the Emancipation Proclamation
9. ____ Atlanta i. after Confederacy never invades North again
10.____ Appomattox Courthouse j. helps Union get control of Confederate RR

To match each battle with its importance and locate the battle on a map, we can go through each battle and gather information about its significance and location. Here is the information for each battle:

1. Fort Sumter - This was the location where the Civil War began with the Confederates attacking the Union-held fort. It is located in Charleston, South Carolina.

2. 1st Bull Run - This was the first major battle of the Civil War, also known as the First Manassas. It took place near Manassas, Virginia, about 25 miles west of Washington, D.C.

3. Battle of Shiloh - This battle showed that the war would not be a quick and easy victory for either side. It took place in Tennessee, near the banks of the Tennessee River.

4. 2nd Bull Run - This battle was a significant Confederate victory and took place in the same area as the 1st Bull Run, near Manassas, Virginia.

5. Battle of Antietam - This battle was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history and had important political implications. It took place near Sharpsburg, Maryland.

6. Vicksburg - This battle was a Union victory that gave them control of the Mississippi River and effectively cut off the Confederacy in the west. Vicksburg is located on the Mississippi River in western Mississippi.

7. Gettysburg - This battle was a turning point in the war and considered one of the most significant battles. It took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

8. Chattanooga - This battle secured Union control of the railroads in the area and marked the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. Chattanooga is located in southeastern Tennessee.

9. Atlanta - This battle resulted in the capture of Atlanta by the Union army under General Sherman. Atlanta is located in northwestern Georgia.

10. Appomattox Courthouse - This was the location where General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the Civil War. Appomattox Courthouse is located in Virginia.

By referring to a map, you can find the specific locations of these battles and their surrounding areas.