Write a pseudocode that will ask the customer to select ice cream flavor and no. of scoops for each selected flavor. Then the program will compute and calculate the bill.according to the following scenario:

(flavor One Scoop TwoScoops Three Scoops/above
Tutti-Frutti 150 120 100
Chocolate 150 120 100
Pine Apple 150 120 100
Kulfa 150 120 100
Strawberry 150 120 100
Mango 175 150 130
Orange 200 170 150
Pistachio 150 120 100)

Here is a pseudocode that asks the customer to select an ice cream flavor, the number of scoops for each selected flavor, and calculates the bill based on the provided scenario:

Initialize totalBill = 0

Display "Welcome to our ice cream shop!"
Display "Please select an ice cream flavor:"
Display "1. Tutti-Frutti"
Display "2. Chocolate"
Display "3. Pine Apple"
Display "4. Kulfa"
Display "5. Strawberry"
Display "6. Mango"
Display "7. Orange"
Display "8. Pistachio"

Input flavor

Display "How many scoops do you want?"

Input numOfScoops

If flavor equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
If numOfScoops equals 1
Set price = 150
Else if numOfScoops equals 2
Set price = 120
Else if numOfScoops greater than 2
Set price = 100
End if
Else if flavor equals 6
If numOfScoops equals 1
Set price = 175
Else if numOfScoops equals 2
Set price = 150
Else if numOfScoops greater than 2
Set price = 130
End if
Else if flavor equals 7
If numOfScoops equals 1
Set price = 200
Else if numOfScoops equals 2
Set price = 170
Else if numOfScoops greater than 2
Set price = 150
End if
Else if flavor equals 8
If numOfScoops equals 1
Set price = 150
Else if numOfScoops equals 2
Set price = 120
Else if numOfScoops greater than 2
Set price = 100
End if
End if

Display "Your total bill is: " + (price * numOfScoops)

Add (price * numOfScoops) to totalBill

Display "Thank you for your purchase! Your total bill is: " + totalBill