What is main idea? (1 point)

A. A concept introduced in the middle of a text
B. A lesson that is not stated in a text
C. An action that leads to the main event in a text
D.a short statement of the main events of a text
please help i don’t understand

I can't believe all yall, It's language arts, never use letter answers

1. a short statement of the main events of a text
2. a message or lesson in a story
3. By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events.
4. People are not likely to trust someone who lies.

I agree with Anonymous it is D if you still need it

these are humans answers 100%

I got you add me on snap leonellalp

The main idea refers to the central point or the most important message conveyed in a piece of writing. It is often stated explicitly or can be inferred through careful analysis of the supporting details in the text. The main idea helps to summarize the overall purpose or focus of the text.

To determine the main idea, you should look for the recurring themes, the key points, or the central argument presented in the text. Sometimes, it is helpful to identify the topic sentence or the thesis statement, as they often present the main idea of a paragraph or an essay respectively.

Now let's examine the options provided:

A. A concept introduced in the middle of a text: This is not the main idea. The main idea is usually introduced at the beginning or developed throughout the text.

B. A lesson that is not stated in a text: While the main idea can sometimes imply a lesson, it is not the same as the main idea. The lesson could be a separate element, but the main idea encompasses the broader focus or purpose of the text.

C. An action that leads to the main event in a text: This is not the main idea. It describes the sequence of events within a text, rather than the central message or key point.

D. A short statement of the main events of a text: This option seems to capture the essence of the main idea. It suggests that the main idea is a concise summary of the key events in the text. However, it is important to note that the main idea is more than just a summary of events; it encapsulates the core message or argument.

So, the correct answer is option D: a short statement of the main events of a text.

It's d a d a



I think its