The jeepney fare is 8 pesos for the first 4 km and with additional 1.50pesos for the succeeding kilometer.What is the distance of your home to morong town proper in miles if the fare is 20 pesos?

8 + 1.50(x-4) = 20

Result is 12 km.

Miles distance required.

So you need to convert 12 km to miles.

1 mi = 1.609344 km

1 km = 1 / 1.609344 mi

12 km = 12 / 1.609344 = 7.45645430685 mi

So you have to convert 12 km Miles distance required.

So you have to convert 12 km into miles.

To find the distance from your home to Morong town proper in miles, we need to determine the number of kilometers covered for the 20-peso fare.

Let's break down the jeepney fare calculation:

First, we subtract the initial 8 pesos from the total fare of 20 pesos since this covers the first 4 km:
20 - 8 = 12 pesos.

Next, we determine the number of additional kilometers that can be covered with the remaining fare:
12 / 1.50 = 8 km.

So, the fare of 20 pesos covers a total distance of 4 km (initial fare) + 8 km (additional kilometers using remaining fare) = 12 km.

To convert kilometers to miles, we need to know the conversion factor. The standard conversion factor is 1 kilometer = 0.62137119 miles (rounded to 8 decimal places).

Therefore, the distance from your home to Morong town proper is approximately:
12 km * 0.62137119 = 7.456 miles.

Hence, the distance from your home to Morong town proper is approximately 7.456 miles.

10. The jeepney fare is P8 for the first 4 km and with additional of 1.50 for the

succeeding kilometer. What is the distance of Morong, Bataan to Olongapo City in
miles if the fare is P45.507
a. 46.4 mi
b. 40 mi
c. 18.13 mi
d. 15.63 mi​